Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility - A full cost perspective on urban traffic (SASIM)

JULY 2022


After researching comparable tools, use cases, target groups and criteria for sustainability assessment, the external cost categories for SASIM were determined: climate damage, land use, air pollutants, barrier costs, congestion and health benefits.



In November 2022, ”Ending the myth of mobility at zero costs: An external cost analysis” was published: In parallel, other scientific work is also underway to investigate the dynamics of full costs and their effects on accessibility and mobility behavior.

December 2022


A first version of the online tool has been available internally since the end of 2022.
Now this is continuously updated and extended. Among other things, the tool is to run on MVV servers.

~ MARCH 2023

The survey is currently being finalized so that it can be sent out in March and subsequently evaluated.

Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility - A full cost perspective on urban traffic (SASIM)

The project aims to prepare the full costs of various forms of mobility in their entirety and to communicate them transparently to decision-makers. Based on the full costs, mobility options can be evaluated in terms of their sustainability depending on the temporal and spatial context. The project aims at developing innovative approaches to promote sustainable mobility behavior utilizing cost transparency, awareness-raising, and planning and steering elements.

The central result of the project is the tool "Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility" (SASIM), which has the functionality of a full cost calculator. SASIM provides evaluated mobility options for individual travel requests. In addition, scenarios for a holistic, dynamic pricing system based on the full costs of different mobility options are created as a project result. Pricing incentives, which can be embedded in a mobility-as-a-service system in the future, make it possible to influence mobility behavior across different modes of transportation. Further strategic application perspectives of SASIM will be elaborated to be utilized in policy and planning.


Das im Projekt SASIMSammaMia entwickelte Externe-Kosten-Tool ermöglicht die vereinfachte Berechnung der externen Kosten des Verkehrs, welcher durch die Einwohner:innen einer Kommune verursacht wird. Zusätzlich können die Wirkungen verschiedener Mobilitätsmaßnahmen auf den Modal Split und die Externe-Kosten-Bilanz bestimmt werden. Das Tool richtet sich explizit an Kommunen in ländlichen Räumen in Bayern, welche die Wirkungen von Maßnahmen auch ohne kalibriertes Verkehrsmodel vereinfacht analysieren möchten.

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News von SASIM

This is SASIM!

Project management

Julia Kinigadner

Senior Researcher

Yihan Xu

Research Assistant

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst

MCube Co-Director

Paulina Schmidl

Vernetzte Mobilität und Tarif

Filippos Adamidis

Research Associate

Nienke Buters

Research Assistant

Sara Ghaf

Research Associate

Johannes Horvath

Projektmanager Forschung & Innovation

Allister Loder


Christoph Ungemach

Professor für Marketing

Constantinos Antoniou

Full Professor, Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering

Philipp Blum

PhD Student

Daniel Schröder

Research Associate

Entrepreneurship & Start-ups

Project partners


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