Collaborative traffic optimization and control

Collaborative traffic optimization and control

Congestion related to irregular traffic is a common problem that causes immense social costs for both citizens and authorities. In this project, we develop a holistic cooperative approach to optimization that explicitly targets delays caused by irregular traffic phenomena. The proposed approach aims at (1) assessing the resilience of a transport network, (2) identifying critical and vulnerable elements, (3) reducing (ir)regular delays, (4) identifying dynamic bottlenecks, and (5) mitigate their negative effects through new control approaches and dynamic speed recommendations. Cooperation between industry partners, authorities, and academic partners enables the project partners to develop ready-to-implement tools, which will be tested at the 2024 National Garden Show.

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Project management

Constantinos Antoniou

Full Professor, Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering

PXL 20210410 1450013272 Pegah Torkamandi

Pegah Torkamandi


Breno photo Breno Serrano de Araujo

Breno Serrano de Araujo


Mohammad photo amir mohamad sadrani

Mohammad Sadrani


Project partners


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