
Innovative assessment methods for sustainable transportation investments.

APRIL 2022

We could meet for the first time in presence. Our partner Intraplan presented methods and examples from the practice of standardized assessment for public transport infrastructure investments.

MAY 2022

Information will follow


We were able to successfully complete our first work package with a results report. In it, we evaluated and compared different evaluation methods. We presented and discussed the conclusions at the European Transport Conference in Milan.


In our second major workshop, we discussed further research directions with experts from academia and practice. This was the prelude to our next major work package of method development.

Innovative assessment methods for sustainable transportation investments.

Evaluation methods in transportation such as the "Standardisierte Bewertung" or the evaluation procedure of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan as a macroeconomic benefit-cost study are used to provide the proof of economic viability for transport infrastructure investments required by the Federal Budget Code and to prioritize transport investments in Germany. However, a positive assessment of public transport projects is usually only achieved if travel times are reduced, new passengers are gained (through new development or service improvements) and thus car users are shifted to public transport as a result of this measure. Societal and long-term spatial effects are not or insufficiently considered. Furthermore, current methods do not adequately reflect the extent to which transport investments in a given context can contribute to spatially desirable effects and thus to sustainable improvement. The aim of this project is, therefore, to develop innovative approaches for evaluation methods, taking into account the M Cube target dimensions of time, space, and air. Among other things, long-term effects in the area of settlement structure and the quality of space (e.g. quality of stay, quality of amenities), the positive effects of network extensions and relief lines in large cities (e.g. increasing comfort), further economic aspects (e.g. effects on the housing market, labor market, economic structure, and productivity) and aspects of sustainable development are to be taken into account. In addition to large investment projects, new, flexible and demand-driven mobility services can also be considered here. Better comparison possibilities between projects for different modes of transport and, in particular, good applicability in metropolitan regions should make it possible to identify projects that contribute to sustainable development and thus make sense in macroeconomic terms.

The current macroeconomic evaluation procedures (e.g. standardized evaluation of public transport infrastructure projects, BVWP evaluation procedures) focus predominantly on

  • the evaluation of individual infrastructure projects,
  • quantifying the marginal impacts associated with the individual project,
  • Static with-case-without-case comparisons,
  • the preparation of forecasts based on observable past trends.

Innovationsempfehlung: "Besser planen, besser entscheiden"

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Innovationsempfehlung: "Besser planen, besser entscheiden"

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This is BeneVit!

Project management

Jonas Horlemann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst

MCube Co-Director

Mathias Heidinger

Mathias Heidinger

OeP177 Thierstein Portraitfoto3068 klein

Alain Thierstein

Professor für Raumentwicklung

Project partners


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