
Simulation model and data hub

Simulation model and data hub

The goal of the "Data Hub and Simulation Model" project is to create a central, higher-level and digital MCube representation consisting of a holistic simulation model and a central data hub for deriving, evaluating, documenting and publishing data, measures and results from MCube and connected data sources. The simulation model and data hub, as outputs of the project, fulfill important tasks within the cluster, both individually and in combination. The overall simulation model provides a central platform for the integration of sub-models from the MCube innovation projects and thus enables a simultaneous and interactive consideration of measures and their effects within a common simulation environment. The data hub serves as an integration layer for all data sets relevant in MCube and standardizes data exchange formats, interfaces and accesses so that input and output data for investigations within the MCube innovation projects - during and after the cluster project - are available in a comprehensible and uniform manner. The integration of the data hub and simulation model thus creates a digital image of the future cluster, which supports the activities of the innovation projects during the project period and makes knowledge and findings accessible and usable beyond the funding period. The results of this integration project can be used during and beyond the project for public relations and information as well as for communication and documentation of research results. In addition, the resulting data basis and the integrated overall model can provide important inputs for follow-up research and serve as a craft basis for further investigations in the context of any follow-up funding in the Future Cluster Competition.

Bildlaufgruppe 4

Simulation model and data hub

Autoreduzierte Quartiere für eine lebenswerte Stadt (AQT) ist eines von drei MCube Leuchtturmprojekten. Das AQT-Projektteam entwickelt und testet ein räumliches und verkehrliches Konzept für München mit den Zielen: eine höhere Akzeptanz und Nutzung multimodaler Verkehrsangebote zu bewirken, den individuellen PKW-Besitz und -Gebrauch deutlich zu reduzieren und somit eine Aufwertung des Raums zu ermöglichen.

How might we enable urban mobility and to meet the growing challenges, such as climate emergency or social justice? What opportunities does change offer for a livable coexistence? In accordance with the Mobility Strategy 2035 and the Urban Development Plan 2040 of the City of Munich, the aim is to reduce individual car traffic and to look at the quality of public spaces in the pilot neighbourhoods Südliche Au and Walchenseeplatz.

Von Mai 2023 bis Oktober 2023 werden verschiedene Maßnahmen temporär umgesetzt und bewertet. Während dieser Zeit finden weitere Beteiligungsformate statt um gemeinsam – Forschungspartner, Kommunale Verwaltung, Industrie und NGOs mit der Zivilgesellschaft –Transformationspfade zu entwickeln. Bis zum Sommer 2024 sollen diese weiterentwickelt, bewertet und diskutiert werden. Die Projektlaufzeit endet im Oktober 2024.

This is DatSim

Project management

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp

MCube Co-Director

David Ziegler scaled

David Ziegler

Felix Waldner


Llorca Carlos Carlos Llorca

Carlos Llorca

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

200716 Andreas Welter schwarz weiss blau 002

Andreas Welter

Leiter Think Tank Future Mobility

20150910 Moeckel Rolf AH 177622 Rolf M

Rolf Moeckel


DSC 0012 Regina Fabian

Fabian Schuhmann

Research Assistant

Jungel Kai Jungel

Kai Jungel

Research Assistant

20210729 B EN 53 Foto BenediktJaeger Rectangle Small B J

Benedikt Jäger

Technologiescout BMW

Bearbeitet Johannes Lindner

Johannes Lindner

Research Assistant

1jj Andreas Keler

Andreas Keler

Postdoctoral Researcher

Project partners


